WThell is CSC

cos somebody's shot a portrait with a CSC camera.

all of a sudden its CSC this CSC that..

and I'm supposed to know its a CSC camera because CSC camera images are.......****knows ??....:shrug:

A 110 rangefinder, nothing new under the sun. Much like this dijical thing it will soon pass.
Oops, accidently bought this:


and this!


I will have to be more careful next time:)
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Adrian, I love my F5 and I think you will too. The F100 may take a back seat for a while.
That F5 looks beastly! And the mju 1 is a great, underrated camera.

The F5 is a quite a substantial camera, similar size to my F100 and MB15 but quite a bit heavier. It is lovely to use. I have just put a film through the Mju and looking foward to the results!

Adrian, I love my F5 and I think you will too. The F100 may take a back seat for a while.

Richard, I think you are right, I love the F100 but the viewfinder on the F5 is quite remarkable, very pleased with my first roll through the F5.
After many months of dithering, I finally took the plunge and bought a Leica.


Words cannot express how I feel.
Liking that Fuji instant camera. I saw they had been launched in the US and Japan, wasn't sure if / when they were coming over here:)

Just bought myself a grip for my F6, I always felt it needed one for some reason, but they're very expensive new. Aperture in London had a mint one at an extremely good price, and it's now mine:)

F6 by The View From The North, on Flickr
Welcome Jack and hang on to your hat its a slippery slope, once you've bought one you'll soon be wanting more. :D(y)

Yep GAS is highly infectious and everyone in f&c has it :D

Welcome to TP Jack! (y)
It's a tenuous film related toy but a mate of mine has just bought this

TLR Stove by Raglansurf, on Flickr

It's the only TLR wood burning stove I've ever seen and I want one :LOL:
I need an F and an F6 to bookend my F collection, now how much is an F6?
New or used? Their about the only AF film SLR that you can still get brand new!

Definitely used, not that it makes a huge amount of difference as most of the used ones that come up have been wrapped up and kept in cabinets so are nearly as expensive as brand spanky new ones.

I'm looking for a beat up one so it will match the rest of my F's.
Yesterday the Weston V arrived from fleabay. I found it quite hard to get my head round, so spent some time last night reading the manual. As far as I can tell, it's 3 stops out. So for my ISO 400 film, I need to set it at 3200! I'm not certain yet, and don't know whether it will be consistent; I need a somewhat brighter day. That was testing against my Pentax MX. I've now set the X10 up to spot-meter, so it's not as helpful against the Weston; also, the aperture only goes down to f/9 for most of the zoom range, and maybe f/11 at best, so it's quite a faff as a meter.

3 stops seems an awful lot to me... Not happy right now. :(
Yesterday the Weston V arrived from fleabay. I found it quite hard to get my head round, so spent some time last night reading the manual. As far as I can tell, it's 3 stops out. So for my ISO 400 film, I need to set it at 3200! I'm not certain yet, and don't know whether it will be consistent; I need a somewhat brighter day. That was testing against my Pentax MX. I've now set the X10 up to spot-meter, so it's not as helpful against the Weston; also, the aperture only goes down to f/9 for most of the zoom range, and maybe f/11 at best, so it's quite a faff as a meter.

3 stops seems an awful lot to me... Not happy right now. :(

Shame the meter appears to be out so much Chris.

Tbh when I use the Weston V, I simply read off the LV (Light Value) reading and sort out the aperture/shutter calculation in my head...So much easier and quicker ( for me anyway!) than to set all the dials on the meter.

I always work off LV ratings...I can judge light values quite well although it gets a bit sketchy between LV 5 and LV 10 .....I've made more than one serious blunder when guessing those:D
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I've got the III and IV and if I don't use them for a long time, forget how to use em.. :).... my ones are not very good for low light.
I've got the III and IV and if I don't use them for a long time, forget how to use em.. :).... my ones are not very good for low light.

I don't think they were ever very good for low light tbh although at the time they were introduced, they will have been the bees knees probably.
I don't think they were ever very good for low light tbh although at the time they were introduced, they will have been the bees knees probably.

Indeed in the old days, I've still got the receipt for mine bought many, many years ago...IIRC correctly the Lunasix was top dog in the 60's.
Chris, definitely best to try on a bright day as my experience of a Weston V was that it really didn't like low light. I'd be inclined to send it back though it if it is that far out.
Thanks guys, I'm hoping for some light tomorrow to test again.
Chris, definitely best to try on a bright day as my experience of a Weston V was that it really didn't like low light. I'd be inclined to send it back though it if it is that far out.

..and didn't Arthur buy a Weston and it turned out to be for cine use.
I have a western V its a lovely piece of kit and mine seems spot on.
I bought it to go with my Zeiss Ikon Folder.
I always work off EV ratings...I can judge light values quite well although it gets a bit sketchy between EV 5 and EV 10 .....I've made more than one serious blunder when guessing those:D

I think you are confusing EV with LV.

EV is purely a function of shutter speed and aperture. LV is a measure of light.

At ISO 100 the numbers are the same.
