Don't have it yet, but just bought a Rolleiflex 3.5E. Price was too good to pass it up - I don't get a chance to shoot much, so when I do, it's nice to have something like a Rollei around.

Stop thief.....:LOL: It was an exceptionally good price.....Oh well the search continues.(y)
Don't have it yet, but just bought a Rolleiflex 3.5E. Price was too good to pass it up - I don't get a chance to shoot much, so when I do, it's nice to have something like a Rollei around.
I thought you already had one. Will you now have two, one for black and white and one for colour? :)
I thought you already had one. Will you now have two, one for black and white and one for colour? :)

Embarrassed that someone knows this, but I do indeed have a 3.5 already :bonk:. That wasn't specifically the intention, but it could be... I've been shooting with a 500C/M a lot, and whilst it is a much bulkier camera, the back system is undoubtedly useful and makes changing light/scene conditions a doddle.
No need to be embarrassed, the only reason I remembered this is because I recalled a great series of portrait shots that you posted some time ago with a Rolleiflex.
No need to be embarrassed, the only reason I remembered this is because I recalled a great series of portrait shots that you posted some time ago with a Rolleiflex.

Very kind of you to remember those; I usually try to not double up ownership of any camera (I have too many as it is), but there's something very special about a Rolleiflex.
Ah, fair enough. I'm not in any great rush, need to save up or sell on first. I was hoping to have one to take away at New Year as I want to take some portraits of my friends but I can always use the Mamiya.(y)
Those portraits that you posted are one of the reasons I want a Rollei, lovely shots.
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Zorki 4k with case and 2 rolls of Portra 400... Will get a photo when it arrives then it's to be packed away till Christmas :eek:

Arrived this morning... it should be getting put away for my Christmas but... we'll see :rolleyes:
Nice new toy. I can't do that putting away thing either. I went up to the loft earlier and found a cardboard box containing a present that I should have given the kids last year! Its a shame as I am sure they would have loved that puppy....


Arrived this morning... it should be getting put away for my Christmas but... we'll see :rolleyes:

Very Nice, this is great way to get into RF shooting, Orlon Christmas and you can get to shoot with it!
Nice new toy. I can't do that putting away thing either. I went up to the loft earlier and found a cardboard box containing a present that I should have given the kids last year! Its a shame as I am sure they would have loved that puppy....



Very Nice, this is great way to get into RF shooting, Orlon Christmas and you can get to shoot with it!

Already ran a test roll of portra through it :eek:ops: I've got a thread up that I'll probably post the results in - first shot out the roll I'm pretty pleased with! The rest... well... :muted:
Nice looking Zorki Charlotte......;)

P.p.p.pick up a Penguin

Kershaw Penguin
by andysnapper1, on Flickr

A mate at work asked if I could get this up and running. Apart from the bellows being full of holes its in really nice nick, it's his father in laws, a present on his 18th birthday and he's 80 this year. They want to try and get some shots of him to put with the ones he had taken on his 18th. I've ordered some latex paint so once that's here it should be a goer.
Only 1 shutter speed, about 1/50th, 2 apertures, f11 and 16 and 3 distance settings, 6', 10' and infinity. Should be fun (y)

I have the same camera Andy with a similar light entry issue ....... Only ever put one roll of film through it, but putting the light entry aside, the shots show it has potential to offer a decent result in the right hands .....You are the man for the job! ...Have fun!


Couple of examples

View attachment 1502

View attachment 1503
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Nice looking Zorki Charlotte......;)

P.p.p.pick up a Penguin

Kershaw Penguin
by andysnapper1, on Flickr

A mate at work asked if I could get this up and running. Apart from the bellows being full of holes its in really nice nick, it's his father in laws, a present on his 18th birthday and he's 80 this year. They want to try and get some shots of him to put with the ones he had taken on his 18th. I've ordered some latex paint so once that's here it should be a goer.
Only 1 shutter speed, about 1/50th, 2 apertures, f11 and 16 and 3 distance settings, 6', 10' and infinity. Should be fun (y)

I'm pretty sure that I've got one of these somewhere. What with Asha also having one we just need a few more owners and we could have our own P.p.p.Penguin challenge.:)
I want one of these bargains!... my watch list is growing nicely now :D
Andy, another trick re: bellows holes, if there are "splits" in there, and you can get to them, get some "micropore" tape (it's the white tape they use for fastening wound dressings) which is basically thin self adhesive tyvek cloth. Apply that across the split, preferably onto slightly tacky latex paint, then paint over the tape with another layer of the latex paint. This will "glue" the tape in place, and seal it, holding the split together and making things light tight (well... maybe with a couple of layers of the paint...)
If you only need to use it for a few frames what about just wrapping the bellows in dark cloth?
My word, thats rather nice.
Could have got some black lenses ;) I'm only jealous, but they would look better on my M4!
I'm pretty sure that I've got one of these somewhere. What with Asha also having one we just need a few more owners and we could have our own P.p.p.Penguin challenge.:)

I p-p-p-p-picked up a King Penguin in a charity shop a few weeks ago and I've yet to run a roll through it so I'll be up for P-p-p-penguin Challenge!
I p-p-p-p-picked up a King Penguin in a charity shop a few weeks ago and I've yet to run a roll through it so I'll be up for P-p-p-penguin Challenge!


If one of you wish to start a challenge thread then count me in .......any ideas for a theme?..................hows about a p-p-p-p-p-pick up a penquin. I'm sure there are some breed of them around at this time of year :D
Not really new, but here's 50% of my luggage for the long weekend in Kota Kinabalu I'm off on this evening :)

It all fits comfortably in the Billingham btw, tripod excluded. M6 in one compartment, SX-70 in the middle, 12mm + couple of films in the the last. One front pocket is the polaroid film and one is batteries/films.

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well i went and done it :help: yep i bought a film camera put my first b+w film into asda and they dev'd it c41 1 blank film later and i'm ready to go again. heres the gear lots of other toys included filters a film retrieval clip very old jessops bag etc. i've done some reading got the pdf manual off the net and now i have more info about where to get my film developed properly i'll try again. quick question 10 yr out of date ilford delta 400 professional will it be alright? i didn't see any results from the first film so not sure if they fooked up or the film was duff only cost£2 so not to worried over the loss at the here is my......... Ricoh xr-x + assorted lenses £30 the lot :love:

Ricoh xr-x film camera
by Mike Rockey, on Flickr
Some nice looking film cameras showing up here... i do believe the film section is going to end up bigger than the digital side soon... mwahahaha:banana:
i've done some reading got the pdf manual off the net and now i have more info about where to get my film developed properly i'll try again. quick question 10 yr out of date ilford delta 400 professional will it be alright? i didn't see any results from the first film so not sure if they fooked up or the film was duff only cost£2 so not to worried over the loss at the here is my......... Ricoh xr-x + assorted lenses £30 the lot :love:

Mike, that's a nice bunch of kit but give yourself a break, get yourself some in-date film, even if it's only Poundland special Agfa Vista, shoot it and take it back to Tesco/Asda for processing. Using OOD film is all very well but it won't give you any idea whether the camera's exposing properly, has a sticky shutter, has light leaks etc.

Shoot yourself a solid test roll then go from there.