The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Cool :)

I'm still on the fence about getting one or just sticking with the F for a while longer.

What I really need to do is have a weekend away with just the F and my film camera..... But I just can't not take the Sony kit for those dedicated sunrise and sunset shoots!
I had the F, It's a big step up from that but just as much fun.
In the final few days of the trip, Mrs Jimmy was absolutely shattered and needed a relaxing night in, so I went out for a walk alone. Somehow I ended up in Kabukicho, Tokyo's red light district. I was just passing through and wasn't there for more than 5-10 minutes, honest!

It's an odd place. There are loads of girly clubs, and dodgy guys hanging around in alleyways asking if you want to see a "sexy show", but there are also a load of restaurants and bars so you see plenty of families walking around looking for a place to eat. It's also a trendy place for younger folks to meet before and/or after a night out on the town, so in the main area there are groups of drunk people just lounging around on the sidewalk, playing music and eating fast food, which is not the done thing anywhere else really.

Tokyo by Jamie Moulton, on Flickr
Question: How many people use the EVF vs the rear screen to compose and shoot on their Fuji?

(I exclusively use the OVF on my Fuji but wonder if I am missing out)
Nearly always the EVF, unless I'm using a tripod and I have my glasses, or very occasionally for a really low-level or over the head shot.
Question: How many people use the EVF vs the rear screen to compose and shoot on their Fuji?

(I exclusively use the OVF on my Fuji but wonder if I am missing out)

I tend to use OVF the most.

Probably followed by LCD and EVF about equally depending on the situation. ie Shooting lower or higher. I use EVF and LCD for street as I use manual focus with peaking. That's about the only time I really use EVF on Fuji tbh.
Question: How many people use the EVF vs the rear screen to compose and shoot on their Fuji?

(I exclusively use the OVF on my Fuji but wonder if I am missing out)
I would say 90% evf. I do use the screen for those awkward angles down low. Only issue is I have to take my glasses off when I do, which is a pita ;)
Question: How many people use the EVF vs the rear screen to compose and shoot on their Fuji?

Almost always the EVF.

I find now that even on a tripod I tend to think about bending down to use the EVF before thinking about using the rear screen.

I think with the X-T3/X-H1 generation the EVFs reached a threshold where they became good enough to be first choice.
Question: How many people use the EVF vs the rear screen to compose and shoot on their Fuji?

Mostly screen I think, but it's probably close to 50/50. I shoot at waist height a lot when shooting a scene, then tend to use EVF when shooting things/people.
Question: How many people use the EVF vs the rear screen to compose and shoot on their Fuji?

(I exclusively use the OVF on my Fuji but wonder if I am missing out)
On my Fuji X100s, I use the OVF nearly all the time, but flick into the EVF when I need to carefully align things in the frame or want to see a B/W rendering.

On my other, non-fuji, cameras, I sometimes use the rear screen (assuming it tilts/swivels) to get a handheld low viewpoint.

I often use the rear screen on a tripod (I don't use the X100s on a tripod) to check fine focus and as a final compositional check when the rear screen allows an overview of the picture in a single scan.
Further to my post above, what's the "go to" lens for this sort of work that works well on the T5 and of course, offers fast focus? I like the focal length of the 35, but it needs to be faster, are f2 lenses any quicker?
Further to my post above, what's the "go to" lens for this sort of work that works well on the T5 and of course, offers fast focus? I like the focal length of the 35, but it needs to be faster, are f2 lenses any quicker?

The f2s will be faster than the 35 1.4. As for focal length, it's really personal choice. I personally find 35mm too long for indoors stuff, but it can work. The 23mm is a good all rounder, there's a reason the x100 series is 23mm.

If you really like 35mm, then you can pick up the XC 35mm really cheap. It's optically the same as the XF version, same AF etc, just in a plastic body with no weather sealing.

If you aren't fussed about size and weight, the Viltrox 27mm 1.2 is incredible. It's a great focal length, sharp as heck wide open, fast AF, plus the advantage of higher shutter speeds at f1.2.
Question: How many people use the EVF vs the rear screen to compose and shoot on their Fuji?

(I exclusively use the OVF on my Fuji but wonder if I am missing out)
I only use the EVF on my Fujis. I keep meaning to try the OVF on the X100V though. I have the screen facing inwards on the X-H2S, as I use it so rarely.
Further to my post above, what's the "go to" lens for this sort of work that works well on the T5 and of course, offers fast focus? I like the focal length of the 35, but it needs to be faster, are f2 lenses any quicker?
I used to like the 23f2 when my kids were smaller, but mainly use the 35f1.4 these days.

Doom! by Lewis Craik, on Flickr
Question: How many people use the EVF vs the rear screen to compose and shoot on their Fuji?

(I exclusively use the OVF on my Fuji but wonder if I am missing out)

If on a tripod, probably 95% rear screen, if hand held, 50/50 rear screen/EVF.

The rear screen is an excellent tool, but there seems to be a bit of snobbery around using anything other than the view finder.
The rear screen is an excellent tool, but there seems to be a bit of snobbery around using anything other than the view finder.

I've always found it so strange. The only arguments for it are along the lines of "It's a purer experience" or some tosh, as though using "the old ways" will give you some deep and mystical understanding...

They seem to forget the old days, where photographers would duck under the shroud and compose upside down on ground glass screens.
I've always found it so strange. The only arguments for it are along the lines of "It's a purer experience" or some tosh, as though using "the old ways" will give you some deep and mystical understanding...

I can't speak for others - but "it's just what I do". It's not a considered deliberate or contrived - just a preference. And not something I normally think about.

I do tend to find it is easier to use the EVF in bright conditions. I also find it easier to orientate the camera to deal with levelling and verticals when holding it at eye level.

So if others want to call me silly or snobby or strange or old fashioned - then I don't really care - that's their problem not mine. I'm not inclined to preach that anybody should use a screen or a view finder - or consider them superior or inferior or normal or strange or whatever - it's just about using your kit in a way that suits you.
Hello. Can I pick your brains about storage?
So, my hard drive is full and I'm left scratching my head thinking is there a better way with cloud storage. I have iCloud storage for 240Gb and standard Lightroom storage (I find this very handy for storing those edits but I'm lazy in backing them up to something else).
I'd be interested to know what everyone else uses and the pros and cons that you see.
Prices in all storage seem to gone up lots since I last looked at this!
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