The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

There are lots of 18-55’s at the main 2nd hand places. Starting at about £220 ish, which is tempting for what I need
Well I've never heard anything about anyone saying bad things about them. I think a lot of people just sell the lens from part of a kit, as the price equates to a good sell on deal.
New x-e4 has arrived. So I have some budget left for a small zoom.
What are people’s thoughts on the Fuji 18-55 v the Sigma 18-50, which is probably at least £100 more 2nd hand.
Or maybe even the Fuji 18-135 ???
Only one of those I've had is the 18-55. It's a brilliant little lens, I like it a lot and would recommend it to anyone. Would still have mine, except I was left a bit of money and got the 16-80.
New x-e4 has arrived. So I have some budget left for a small zoom.
What are people’s thoughts on the Fuji 18-55 v the Sigma 18-50, which is probably at least £100 more 2nd hand.
Or maybe even the Fuji 18-135 ???

I've have the 18-55 and had the 18-135. I had both at the same time for quite a while, but eventually sold the 18-135.

I've also got the Tamron 17-70mm but for some reason can't bring myself to sell the 18-55. It's a great little lens for general use, especially as a travel lens due to it's size.

The Sigma is apparently a bit sharper, but it's worth noting that it doesn't have OIS. I can tell you from my experience with the Tamron that the constant f2.8 is not as big a deal as you think it will be.

I had the 18-135 for a while as it's particularly good for IR photography. When i went to Scotland in January, I took pretty much all my gear and despite having a selection of very good lenses, the 18-135 was on my camera 90% of the time. In the changing weather i didn't want to be changing lenses too often, and the focal length range is surprisingly versatile. Sure, optically it isn't a patch on the primes, but it is certainly more than good enough for the convenience it brings to the table.

Personally, I've always discounted the Sigma because my body lacks IBIS. Given your options, I'd probably go with the 18-55 unless you really need weather sealing. It's a good middle ground of quality and utility, with the Sigma leaning more on quality, and the 18-135 bringing more utility.
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I've have the 18-55 and had the 18-135. I had both at the same time for quite a while, but eventually sold the 18-135.

I've also got the Tamron 17-70mm but for some reason can't bring myself to sell the 18-55. It's a great little lens for general use, especially as a travel lens due to it's size.

The Sigma is apparently a bit sharper, but it's worth noting that it doesn't have OIS. I can tell you from my experience with the Tamron that the constant f2.8 is not as big a deal as you think it will be.

I had the 18-135 for a while as it's particularly good for IR photography. When i went to Scotland in January, I took pretty much all my gear and despite having a selection of very good lenses, the 18-135 was on my camera 90% of the time. In the changing weather i didn't want to be changing lenses too often, and the focal length range is surprisingly versatile. Sure, optically it isn't a patch on the primes, but it is certainly more than good enough for the convenience it brings to the table.

Personally, I've always discounted the Sigma because my body lacks IBIS. Given your options, I'd probably go with the 18-55 unless you really need weather sealing. It's a good middle ground of quality and utility, with the Sigma leaning more on quality, and the 18-135 bringing more utility.
Thanks. Pretty sure I will go for an 18-55
Another one I can’t find a definitive answer for.
Are the w126 and w126s fully interchangeable?
Ie can I use the w126s in an old camera that normally uses the w126 and can you charge the w126s in the older charger?
Another one I can’t find a definitive answer for.
Are the w126 and w126s fully interchangeable?
Ie can I use the w126s in an old camera that normally uses the w126 and can you charge the w126s in the older charger?
Yes. The non "S" batteries often show up as uncharged in later bodies, but work just as well. I had non-S batteries in my X-T3 from time to time, and ran them in the grip. Even though I'm now on a T5, I still have some 3rd barty N126 batteries here.....
New x-e4 has arrived. So I have some budget left for a small zoom.
What are people’s thoughts on the Fuji 18-55 v the Sigma 18-50, which is probably at least £100 more 2nd hand.
Or maybe even the Fuji 18-135 ???
I'm a big fan of the 18-135. It's my holiday lens, and the one I usually take when going on a walk or just 'out' (not out-out obviously!) I so rarely used my 16-55 f2. 8 that I sold it, and my 16-80 rarely gets used. Some say it's not the sharpest but it's got such a great range.
Worth looking at I'd say.
We spent a day in Port Isaac last summer whilst away in Bude - Shot on the A7Riii & 35GM I would imagine.

Missus loved it so much that on the way back from Crantock Bay this year, we called in once again. Worked out well because the day turned out perfect & we left about 2pm on the Saturday had a clear drive straight home missing the big holiday rush :)

Decided to shoot it on the X100f & Portra 400 this time around :)

Don't know what I'm going to photograph it on next year..... :ROFLMAO:

*** by Lee, on Flickr

*** by Lee, on Flickr

*** by Lee, on Flickr
We spent a day in Port Isaac last summer whilst away in Bude - Shot on the A7Riii & 35GM I would imagine.

Missus loved it so much that on the way back from Crantock Bay this year, we called in once again. Worked out well because the day turned out perfect & we left about 2pm on the Saturday had a clear drive straight home missing the big holiday rush :)

Decided to shoot it on the X100f & Portra 400 this time around :)

Don't know what I'm going to photograph it on next year..... :ROFLMAO:

*** by Lee, on Flickr

*** by Lee, on Flickr

*** by Lee, on Flickr
Nice set, Lee. Really liking the last one (y)
Like this David. Do you notice any difference using the yellow filter with jpg and shooting raw and trying to get the Sam look on pp? Beside the lack of time you save on pp obviously ?

Graham, I can get the same (or similar) look very quickly in PP - I must admit though I'm liking some of SOOC results I'm getting from the X-Pro1 (surprisingly a camera I never owned originally) - I often though shoot with the EVF in B/W - even if I lnow its going to be a colour image later! I find it just helps visualise the scene with less distractions. The yellow filter is a good all round filter for most scenes, adding a little contrast.

BTW _ I always shoot RAW+JPG so have the RAW to fall back on :)
Still amazing quality especially when you consider how old the camera is.
Love my XPro1 but the AF is a bit slow and dodgy compared to the XPro2.

Slow yes, but doigy no, 50% of my current digital cameras are Contrast Only AF, just need something with acceptable contrast to focus on.

The images from an X-Pro1 generation sensor have a lovely quality to them, expecially with the first generation primes.
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Graham, I can get the same (or similar) look very quickly in PP - I must admit though I'm liking some of SOOC results I'm getting from the X-Pro1 (surprisingly a camera I never owned originally) - I often though shoot with the EVF in B/W - even if I lnow its going to be a colour image later! I find it just helps visualise the scene with less distractions. The yellow filter is a good all round filter for most scenes, adding a little contrast.

BTW _ I always shoot RAW+JPG so have the RAW to fall back on :)
Cheers David with my everyday stuff I shoot the same way except for the raw + jpeg might have to give that a try.
Graham, I can get the same (or similar) look very quickly in PP - I must admit though I'm liking some of SOOC results I'm getting from the X-Pro1 (surprisingly a camera I never owned originally) - I often though shoot with the EVF in B/W - even if I lnow its going to be a colour image later! I find it just helps visualise the scene with less distractions. The yellow filter is a good all round filter for most scenes, adding a little contrast.

BTW _ I always shoot RAW+JPG so have the RAW to fall back on :)

Cheers David with my everyday stuff I shoot the same way except for the raw + jpeg might have to give that a try.

I also tend to shoot in Acros simulation but again since getting the X100f I have shot RAW/jpeg & LR edit anyway in colour so the SOOC jpeg just gets binned/over written - I guess I may as well just shoot RAW only!! :thinking: :ROFLMAO: I just enjoy seeing it in B&W for some reason & for street I zone/manual focus so the red peaking shows up nicely :)
Another evening walk with the X-T20 and the 28mm Pentax manual lens

Untitled by Chris Walker, on Flickr

Untitled by Chris Walker, on Flickr

Untitled by Chris Walker, on Flickr

These are perhaps a little dark but I quite like the moodyness of them. They always look more exposed in the viewfinder!
Just reacquainting myself with this thread. I’ve come to the conclusion that running a combination of a full frame setup that’s so heavy I put off using it (Pansonic S1R) and a micro 4/3 setup that although I’m not that keen on I make myself use just because it’s the lighter option, isn’t terribly sensible. The result of this epiphany is that I’ve traded the lot in and now have an XH-2 winging its way to me. It seems a long time since I was lured away from my XT-3 by the temptation of full frame but looking forward to getting back in to Fuji.
Is that a Vampire?? Never seen one in flight, must have been a great sight...
It is indeed! I’ve seen one before, at Mildenhall airshow when I was a kid - that’s a long time ago now though! It was nice to see one again, and it looked great in the evening light :)
I love a Vampire - I expect that is the one that used to be based at Coventry airport, it was great to hear/see it flying over occasionally.
Well my X-H2 has arrived and so far I’m impressed with it. First stupid question (most likely of many)- I’ve had a bit of a play with it, imported the images on to Capture One however when C1 ejects the SD card it also ejects the external SSD that I’m importing the images to. Obviously I then have to unplug and reattach the SSD and restart C1. I’ve never had this with any other camera and the short term work around seems to be stopping C1 auto ejecting the card after import but I was wondering if this is something anyone else has encountered and if there is a simple fix?
Thanks in advance :)
Well my X-H2 has arrived and so far I’m impressed with it. First stupid question (most likely of many)- I’ve had a bit of a play with it, imported the images on to Capture One however when C1 ejects the SD card it also ejects the external SSD that I’m importing the images to. Obviously I then have to unplug and reattach the SSD and restart C1. I’ve never had this with any other camera and the short term work around seems to be stopping C1 auto ejecting the card after import but I was wondering if this is something anyone else has encountered and if there is a simple fix?
Thanks in advance :)
Welcome :)

Firstly there are no stupid questions ;)

Do you insert the SD card into the SSD drive? Strange that it rejects both though. From what I remember when I used to use C1. I just deleted after import. Then ejected said card via Windows. That being said, I always use a card reader. Maybe your 'puter thinks it's all one item.

PS cheap usb reader on Amazon is like £6
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Welcome :)

Firstly there are no stupid questions ;)

Do you insert the SD card into the SSD drive? Strange that it rejects both though. From what I remember when I used to use C1. I just deleted after import. Then ejected said card via Windows. That being said, I always use a card reader. Maybe your 'puter thinks it's all one item.

PS cheap usb reader on Amazon is like £6
No, insert sd card in to reader which plugs in to one usb-c port on M1 MacBook Pro, SSD plugs in to other port. As you say it’s really odd, I’ve been using C1 for years with a variety of cameras and never come across it before. Just to add to the curiosity value I’ve just tried importing from the CF Express card and it’s fine :confused:
No, insert sd card in to reader which plugs in to one usb-c port on M1 MacBook Pro, SSD plugs in to other port. As you say it’s really odd, I’ve been using C1 for years with a variety of cameras and never come across it before. Just to add to the curiosity value I’ve just tried importing from the CF Express card and it’s fine :confused:
That's a proper head****.
I've no clue on macs, sorry. Maybe it's something to do with Fuji files. I'm assuming you're importing raws. I wonder what would happen if if you tried only jpegs. Worst case it'll determine the issue.
That's a proper head****.
I've no clue on macs, sorry. Maybe it's something to do with Fuji files. I'm assuming you're importing raws. I wonder what would happen if if you tried only jpegs. Worst case it'll determine the issue.
I’ve updated the firmware on the camera tonight so maybe if it’s something glitchy it might sort it. It’s not a huge deal really but problems I can’t get my head around niggle me, first world problems :thinking: