WAMT....what annoyed me today!

It was still daylight at 8:20 last night at Milton Keynes Bowl, the sun had only just gone behind the trees behind the stage and we were up on the top of the banking opposite.
Thick cloud here tonight, I guess that never helped ;)
WAMT - and it could indeed be regarded as a WRPMOT !
was Virgin's Webmail going down and I really really wanted it !

Yes I use MacMail BUT from time to time Webmail is wanted / needed - particularly if I head out of the UK .

Virgin are busy trying to put everyone onto their new and wonderful non-Gmail system and it seems to be giving problems at times. I'm an old ntlworld account

The advice is - clear Cookies , Clear History , shout and scream , give it an hour and try again

ARGH !! 3 hours later I still see that 'you haven't set up Virgin mail yet " and NO - that's not for the new system !
The artic that did this to our car this morning on the M25.

We have to be grateful that it was at low speed, no one was injured and the car was still drivable.

As the crash caused no injury, the knock on effects have greater significance - a missed dental appointment (which is why we were on the M25), a taxi for Mrs Tringa's Mum to go in to hospital, more hassle to get to visit MiL, have to rearrange how we entertain friends arriving on Friday.

But,I suppose it could have been a lot worse.

The artic that did this to our car this morning on the M25.

We have to be grateful that it was at low speed, no one was injured and the car was still drivable.

As the crash caused no injury, the knock on effects have greater significance - a missed dental appointment (which is why we were on the M25), a taxi for Mrs Tringa's Mum to go in to hospital, more hassle to get to visit MiL, have to rearrange how we entertain friends arriving on Friday.

But,I suppose it could have been a lot worse.


I feel your pain.
Seven years ago I was sideswiped by a French artic, spinning me fully round twice until I hit the conctete wall that separates two lanes from the other three between jct 6 & 7 on the M20.
Wrote the car off and left me banged up and with less teeth than I had previously!
I still consider myself quite lucky to have (almost) walked away though.
But,I suppose it could have been a lot worse.
OUCH! Glad no one was hurt though (y)
Now just sit back and wait for the injury lawyers to call ;)
Whip lash sir? ah yes I'm sure it hurt, how long did it keep you from work and your domestic arrangements?
Thanks Viv & Cobra.

Good point about the injury lawyers, Cobra. When Mrs Tringa called the insurance company, it was not long before there were questions about injury even though she had said no one was hurt. When they spoke to me, because I was the driver, they went through it again and said there could be compensation if I had sustained and injury, and even asked if I would move my head left to right and up and down (isn't it great, diagnosis by 'phone from somene with no medical training) --- b******ds.

Thanks Viv & Cobra.

Good point about the injury lawyers, Cobra. When Mrs Tringa called the insurance company, it was not long before there were questions about injury even though she had said no one was hurt. When they spoke to me, because I was the driver, they went through it again and said there could be compensation if I had sustained and injury, and even asked if I would move my head left to right and up and down (isn't it great, diagnosis by 'phone from somene with no medical training) --- b******ds.

I wouldn't be surprised if you got another call in 24 / 48 hours "as these things are not always immediately apparent" ;)

I got hassled some years ago following a rear end shunt.
I got fed up with the calls and just said do what you want.
Expecting that to be the end of it.
I got a cheque through the post a couple of weeks later around the £1500 mark IIRC.
I wonder how much the lawyers actually got ;)
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Thanks Viv & Cobra.

Good point about the injury lawyers, Cobra. When Mrs Tringa called the insurance company, it was not long before there were questions about injury even though she had said no one was hurt. When they spoke to me, because I was the driver, they went through it again and said there could be compensation if I had sustained and injury, and even asked if I would move my head left to right and up and down (isn't it great, diagnosis by 'phone from somene with no medical training) --- b******ds.

Seriously my ex partner said the same - no problems but the symptoms developed later and went on for years. BTW she was a passenger in a side on shunt.
I wouldn't be surprised if you got another call in 24 / 48 hours "as these things are not always immediately apparent" ;)

I got hassled some years ago following a rear end shunt.
I got fed up with the calls and just said do what you want.
Expecting that to be the end of it.
I got a cheque through the post a couple of weeks later around the £1500 mark IIRC.
I wonder how much the lawyers actually got ;)

I still get calls now...after seven years!
Funny as the claim cut off is three. :LOL:
Calls from the ambulance chasers would not surprise me. Years ago, when we had a different car, a numpty managed to crash into it while it was parked outside the house. After we contacted the insurance people we had calls from other companies for about a week asking about our injuries!

Glad everyone's okay in that crash!

Having got up today at 6 to go to Bristol I've just got in and have to carry on working :(

It's been like this for nearly 3 weeks, working time directive my .... :)
OUCH - I feel the pain your car suffered.

That's NOT nice :(

You may well be a trifle tender in some places tomorrow - TBH I'll be very surprised if you aren't

Hope all goes well with the Insurance and you're back on the road quickly
Me too and I haven't had an accident!
I still get calls about the accident I was in 26 years ago. I assume that's what they're calling me about... :rolleyes:
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I still get calls about the accident I was in 26 years ago. I assume that's what they're calling me about...
No, they're just calling in case you've been in an accident.

Actually that must be one of the worst jobs going mustn't it? Cold calling people to try to get clients for ambulance chasing lawyers...
Thanks all. No ill effects this morning. We were very lucky that it was a very low speed crash. It always seems to be busy at the M25/A10 junction and yesterday morning it was busier than usual so the traffic was crawling. Also lucky with the damage - car still drivable and all the lights and wipers (except the rear one!) still working.

This is the first claim for years and was surprised by a comment from the insurance company. I seem to remember that if a repair would cost more than the value of the vehicle, the vehicle would be written off. Yesterday the insurers said the same but the figure was 60% of the value of vehicle. Is this standard now?

This is the first claim for years and was surprised by a comment from the insurance company. I seem to remember that if a repair would cost more than the value of the vehicle, the vehicle would be written off. Yesterday the insurers said the same but the figure was 60% of the value of vehicle. Is this standard now?


I don't know if 60% is standard, but I think most insurers work on a percentage of value when determining whether to pay out or scrap the vehicle.
A mate runs his own car repair business. Its now all computer generated on quotes. You put in make, model & what damage. The system then works it all out (jobs are worked out at 0.1 hr on time). Depending on the insurers criteria you will get a repair or be deemed uneconomical.
This is the first claim for years and was surprised by a comment from the insurance company. I seem to remember that if a repair would cost more than the value of the vehicle, the vehicle would be written off.
That's how I remember it too, I even had the choice years ago, when the repair was the same as the value of the car.

Yesterday the insurers said the same but the figure was 60% of the value of vehicle. Is this standard now?
Call me sceptical, but perhaps that's the amount they would try and pay out if it was a write. ( ie 60% of the replacement value, ;) )
What concerns me is other people could be risking their lives getting passengers out because they will not follow the safety protocols.
I'm not surprised by this there are some genuinely stupid people about. Sometimes an appropriate amount of minimum force is required. Particularly in a life threatening situation that it was.
Bloody photographers!

You arrive nice and early setup and await the arrival and a few minutes before the action starts this arrives FFS show a little courtesy.

What really p***ed me off today was still not getting a reply to a text asking somebody why they had called me yesterday and hung up after 2 rings. I even called them back after the 2 rings and they didn't even bother answering the bloody phone.
Possibly a wrong number who realised their mistake. If they're on PAYG, a text or call would cost them and if they're abroad, even receiving a call could cost them.
Possibly a wrong number who realised their mistake. If they're on PAYG, a text or call would cost them and if they're abroad, even receiving a call could cost them.

I know exactly who they are though as she is my bloody GF lol
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Convinced I could fit a second car on the driveway. It isn't possible without taking off the side of the already parked car or half the side off the one you are trying to fit on. Damn!
I know exactly who they are though as she is my bloody GF lol
Or was maybe ? :D

Convinced I could fit a second car on the driveway. It isn't possible without taking off the side of the already parked car or half the side off the one you are trying to fit on. Damn!
If at first you don't succeed try try again(y)
Or was maybe ? :D

If at first you don't succeed try try again(y)

Do you have shares in an accident repair company? :D It's a sloping drive so it is very difficult to actually get up there slowly. You have to woosh up and brake so you don't hit the garage doors. If you go too slowly you'll stall even in first or fry the clutch. It's a stupid shape too.
If you go too slowly you'll stall even in first or fry the clutch. It's a stupid shape too.
These things are sent to try us, but it still sounds easy enough for a decent driver :p
Do you have shares in an accident repair company? :D It's a sloping drive so it is very difficult to actually get up there slowly. You have to woosh up and brake so you don't hit the garage doors. If you go too slowly you'll stall even in first or fry the clutch. It's a stupid shape too.

There's a happy medium in there :)
Yes. ...I sensed that :)
I believe that's down to the new moon.
( Resists saying anything about Uranus, as its childish )
I believe that's down to the new moon.
( Resists saying anything about Uranus, as its childish )

I'll keep the old moon :)