WAMT....what annoyed me today!

Think positive there is nothing wrong with the others and that one is only flat at the bottom. On a serious note hope your rim is OK.
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Low speed stuff just went bang literally on a roundabout. Car within seconds went from drivable to pretty much bummed
I bet it was the left side that let you down.;)
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f*** f*** feckity f***!

Seriously what is wrong with my ex?

She has this real bad habit of talking cr@p and then making out it is all my fault somehow.

She is now trying to cancel my visit with my daughter this weekend

I have tried and tried to bend over backward and be nice to her but she just throws it back in my face and tries to make a massive drama out of a molehill

Does anyone know of any website where separated Dads can go to get support and advice? sensible ones though as I don't want sites were the Dads are just as bitter, I need good sensible advice and support.

This is totally doing my head in, can you tell I am angry yet?

Bought a SIM card from Three to use on my holiday.

Just tried to phone the airline and it tells me I need to top up before I can call?

This is the last day here in the U.S. Of A, never used the phone at all but just got it in case the car went tits up!

Think I will be having a wee word when we get home!
Waking up late, full of aches and pains and it's bloody raining. :rage:
Last day of the holiday started a wee bit early at 4.30am with a fire alarm evacuation, followed by another at 6.00am.

Time to head home, one thinks!
Dads can go to get support and advice?
What was that one where the guy dressed as batman and climbed various buildings to get his point across?
I can just see you in a cape (y)

Actually I think its this one and they do have a serious side as well.

Sorry to hear about all the s*** though Keith :(
I've moved on from M4/3, conceded defeat, M4/3 isn't the way for astro-photography. So I picked up a nearly new [69 shots] 600D body from The Photograhers Bag. Body only and no charger; that didn't matter, I've got a broken 500D with kit lens, battery and charger. All ready for imaging session and the battery dies. No probs, got charged up 500D battery and they're the same ...... NOT! Well, they looked the same in the pictures:( Pays to do detailed research.
No probs, got charged up 500D battery and they're the same ...... NOT!
That is as annoying as hell, why do Canon do that?
Very few batteries are backwards compatible :(

Actually I do know the answer to that :rolleyes:
Not just paid but rewarded. She's a columnist. It makes my blood boil this article. Outrage at volume 11
If that is the standard of empolyee at the Scottisch Herald, i`m amazed anybody buys it.

Who in their right mind can condone the willful and petty damage done to anybodys property? Blaming it on wealth or lack of it is as pathetic and inane as can be imagined. Not surprised the country is f***ed with idiots like that having a column in a daily rag.

Actions like that really make my blood boil. I have a lowly Honda Accord, does it give some azzwipe who can`t be arsed working to earn the money to buy a car the right to damage it, thought not.
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I have an old mans Volvo. I'd be honest, as good as it is is rather have a 535d or a6 3.0 biturbo but guess what, I can't afford one.

I don't spend my days hating 5 series and a6 owners. I think good for them nice car.

Just as when I'm out and about with my d800 and some bloke rocks up with a phase one I don't get this urge to kick it over.

Envy, terrible horrid thing
I read that earlier today, couldn't believe what I was reading. To coin your phrase Steve, she is a prime candidate for being shot in the face. Hopefully she won't breed or be able to have any influence on kids, inflicting her stupid and pathetic ideas on them. There is already way to many people who think like that already, without her broadcasting it.
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Socialism I think. It's a virus up in Scotland

Yeh, it's had its day. Absolute disgrace that the article was allowed to be printed really. If I was to encourage folk to commit a crime or condone the commission of crime I can imagine the response.
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Being at Old Sarum airshow at 08.30 this morning to be told at 16.30 the Vulcan was not appearing. :mad::mad:
I think that you can get a good used AM Vantage these days for just about £30k - the Nissan Leaf is a similar price new

all kinds of people drive them

Envy, terrible horrid thing
Absolutely, although I think that a prison sentence is a bit harsh, unless of course he is in the habit of doing such things?
As he is a single parent I would suggest that in the interests of fairness (for the child)
that Ms Stewart would be kind enough to do the time for him, as she also seems to think it was a good idea.
I think 5 to 10 years in jail is about right.
For both of them and hopefully the kid will get a balanced well grounded upbringing whilst he is inside.
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It was at Goodwood Revival, I saw it on TV today.

It bloody well wasn't!

Even more p****d off now !!

Not as p****d off as I was having driven over to see it, climbed up to Halnaker windmill only to see it coming over from Eastbourne and disappear behind the hill to the north of Goodwood and not reappear! :runaway:

...apparently had a "technical issue" and returned to base. (fuel leak!)

Gutted, but safety has to come first.
WAMT: getting so close to bagging a proper lighting shot at millau but this was the only fork there was, plenty of sheet lighting but no massive big forks ImageUploadedByTalk Photography Forums1442173068.445299.jpg

Tomorrow is my last day in Millau. Forecast dictates where I go next be that Annecy, back to Arragnuoet or even to the north, again.
It bloody well wasn't!
It bloody well was ;) I watched Goodwood Revival all day yesterday and they definitely showed it fly past and mentioned it too, it didn't put on a display though like the Spitfire, Mustang and Hurricane.
It bloody well was ;) I watched Goodwood Revival all day yesterday and they definitely showed it fly past and mentioned it too, it didn't put on a display though like the Spitfire, Mustang and Hurricane.

It never flew over Goodwood Revival. I was on the hill opposite and it didn't reappear after turning north. The four planes that were displaying stayed up longer and there is no way that the Vulcan woulds have been authorised to fly past with them still airbourne. It landed safely at Doncaster at 16.57.

Maybe they used stock footage of it from a previous year. ;)
It never flew over Goodwood Revival. I was on the hill opposite and it didn't reappear after turning north. The four planes that were displaying stayed up longer and there is no way that the Vulcan woulds have been authorised to fly past with them still airbourne. It landed safely at Doncaster at 16.57.

Maybe they used stock footage of it from a previous year. ;)
Judging by the fact they didn't actually show a close up, it may just have been a flypast in the distance, but it was definitely live footage.