WAMT....what annoyed me today!

WAMT: taking my eye off the ball thinking about light and locations plus lunch and boom, that flash from a speed camera. I was maybe 20k over a reduced speed limit for a series of tight bends on the a75 but they weren't so tight that 100k in 80k was a worry. But I let my mind wonder
WAMT: taking my eye off the ball thinking about light and locations plus lunch and boom, that flash from a speed camera. I was maybe 20k over a reduced speed limit for a series of tight bends on the a75 but they weren't so tight that 100k in 80k was a worry. But I let my mind wonder
The gendarmes will be after you now... better rag it to the border... ;)
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The gendarmes will be after you now... better rag it to the border... ;)

It annoys me as I didn't mean to do it. I've tried to uphold their limits etc. Just took my eye off the ball.

I'll more than likely get a fine sent to me. It won't be bank breaking but it's annoying.

Funny you mention the borders. I'm in Spain which has even more unintelligible and hard to follow speed limits.
Wamt how backwards UK data network coverage is. Travelling up on the west coast main line and the signal is just terrible and inconsistent and barely Edge for most of the time. Compare that to other European countries like Denmark where I was the other week and you have 4G everywhere. Grrrr.
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Old people and the internet! "have you had my order for xx?" No! Because you haven't put an order in yet, despite me explaining 3 times how to do it, and then even offering an alternative method where all you have to do is create an account - simply tyoing in an email address and password and clicking register - and I can create the order on your account for you....

:muted: :muted:

And similar on ebay. "I've bought 3 of your items can you combine shipping" Well I can, when you actually buy them - as yet you have not bought anything!! Grrrr!
Is it midnight yet ?
WAMT, going back to work after 10 days off to find the van running on fumes, and my work space in a total mess:banghead:
Get that all sorted and ahead of myself for an easy rest of the week, and yep I'm not on my normal round tomorrow
been shifted to one I've done once in the last 10 years, (message to self next time you get asked to help out make a mess of it;))
and we are gong to have storms and torrential rain.............................. even better
Trying to book accommodation for some time away, seems as I have booked there before I need to sign in WTF it was a long time
ago and I can't remember how, but they won't accept my booking or pyment till I do :banghead::banghead: another hour of my life wasted sorting that
For some reason my new car smells like eggy trumps whenever you get into it. It's worse when I haven't used it for a few days. Is there a leather or interior cleaner that smells like that? I'm wondering if whoever cleaned it caused it... it's definitely not me as I make sure to fart before I get in and after I get out ;)
Halfords, Grrrr! Ordered oil filter from their website; having filled in all details , next page shows "These 8 products are for your car" ; picked a Mann filter , medium priced, ordered, delivered, car on ramps, oil drained. Look at new filter .... wrong one. It's the right filter from the page, bad info. Go to local Halfords in pick-up, can they change it, yes but they'll have to order it. Grrr! Not much use to me needing car tomoz. Where are the good old fashioned Motor Factors? None round here, all closed 'cos of Internet competition. So it's basically my fault for using the net!
Attended a Paediatric First Aid course today, that had been arranged free of charge by my local authority. Places were at a premium, so the two women that couldn't bring themselves to take their faces out of their f###### phones for two bloody seconds to even acknowledge the guy delivering the training, really f###### annoyed me!
Having my walking stick taken from me at Bergamo Airport as a security risk and then being forced to walk the long way round the airport as they had locked the signposted shortcut door to make you walk through the sales areas.
Stepping on the scales after 2 weeks in Portugal.
So I just saw a picture of a beautiful coffee table, just what I was looking for, then I saw the price.... £960!!!!
So I just saw a picture of a beautiful coffee table, just what I was looking for, then I saw the price.... £960!!!!
Hey but if it is just what you were looking for and beautiful then surely it is worth it (y)

Wamy: I only made a short journey to a butchers for our roast today. First I was behind some old bloke doing 40 on a national speed limit road, brake for any car on the other side of the road. Yet continuing at 40 through a 30 zone, the. It was national limit again and he still did 40 and 30 again and he still did 40. What is wrong with such people. Seems very dangerous to me.

Then on the way back a first responder unit with blue lights came through. And what do people do again, stop. Grr why of why. I could see it in my rear view mirror that it made the vehicle have to come to a halt because. Yes the other side of the road also stopped and the two idiots blocked in the vehicle.

Sometimes I do wonder how people manage to breath by themselves. And scarily they are allowed to drive a vehicle on the road.
Wamy: I only made a short journey to a butchers for our roast today. First I was behind some old bloke doing 40 on a national speed limit road, brake for any car on the other side of the road. Yet continuing at 40 through a 30 zone, the. It was national limit again and he still did 40 and 30 again and he still did 40. What is wrong with such people. Seems very dangerous to me.

So you were doing 40 in the 30 zone too :thinking:

I know I hate those sort of drivers too and they always speed up when you get a clear road and as you say brake for no reason :banghead:
So you were doing 40 in the 30 zone too :thinking:

I know I hate those sort of drivers too and they always speed up when you get a clear road and as you say brake for no reason :banghead:
Nope I slowed down to 30 and he was slowly but steadily pulling away from me. Then I sped up to 60 and caught with him doing 40 again. As such it is fair assumption that the speed remained constant.

I have some sympathy for the breaking for oncoming traffic during night time due to glare. Although one really need their eye sight fixed for a much more comfortable drive. However during the day, really? I just don't get it.
Just passed a moron in a small white van rolling a ciggie while doing 70 in the middle lane on the m5 his hands weren't on the stearing wheel just driving with his elbows by the looks of it
Walking straight into this :(

Be sure to let us know when you can walk on water though. ;)
That is so inefficient, we've evolved over time. Much less drag this way.
I thought you were JP not JC... ;)
I thought you were JP not JC... ;)
That is the evolution buddy, he didn't realise you could walk over it ;) see the p comes after the c ...
Today it was 3 tractors driving in convoy, which I have no issue with but I did get a bit annoyed at them not leaving any space between them to allow cars to overtake one at a time and not pulling over once for the 5 miles I was behind them. The journey was down a winding road, with limited overtaking spots but a number of places to pull over.
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Being awake till 3AM with my right shoulder in agony, spreading as numbness and cramp at the same time throughout my forearm, painkillers didn't touch it - eventually got the Jack Daniels dose right and was able to stop writhing around in pain and go to sleep.
Being awake till 3AM with my right shoulder in agony, spreading as numbness and cramp at the same time throughout my forearm, painkillers didn't touch it - eventually got the Jack Daniels dose right and was able to stop writhing around in pain and go to sleep.
Sounds like a trapped nerve or need a new mattress. I have suffered similar of late, I had to slouch in chairs when sitting as an only means to ease it.
I've sat with one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Physioroo...se-Grid-Gym-/191538476529?hash=item2c989535f1 behind the offending area in my back and it does relieve the pain, also a good stretch in the gym works wonders too.
I also had that a few weeks ago, and it took a couple of weeks to sort itself out. I think it was down to an awkward posture when reading bedtime stories to the children. I've changed that and - to date - no reoccurrence.
WAMT was the twit in the filling station who was trying to use specified product vouchers against his fuel purchase. One by one. With the poor girl explaining why he couldn't use the voucher every time he presented a fresh one. Yup, Nissan Micra with scrapes on every corner...
WAMT was the twit in the filling station who was trying to use specified product vouchers against his fuel purchase. One by one. With the poor girl explaining why he couldn't use the voucher every time he presented a fresh one. Yup, Nissan Micra with scrapes on every corner...
Did it have a big dent in the corner of the bumper? Don't know why but everyone that I see has this, surely they don't all drive into the same thing.
Garage walls!
Did it have a big dent in the corner of the bumper? Don't know why but everyone that I see has this, surely they don't all drive into the same thing.
Suggests there's poor visibility of that bit of the car from the driver's seat (obscured by bonnet?), combined with drivers' with poor spatial awareness/distance perception.
Suggests there's poor visibility of that bit of the car from the driver's seat (obscured by bonnet?), combined with drivers' with poor spatial awareness/distance perception.
The size of the dent always seems identical though, it's like Mk4 Fiestas they always seemed to get identical dents in the bottom of the rear valance and always in roughly the same place too.